Brower Propulsion Laboratory

Beyond Good And Evil
Massachussets, Pennsylvania
Beyond Good and Evil 2001
plastic, wood, metal, paint
52 X 48 X 48
BPL Employee Hobby Pages
Beyond Good And Evil
Massachussets, Pennsylvania
Beyond Good and Evil 2001
plastic, wood, metal, paint
52 X 48 X 48"

(made in the spring of 2001)
Proposed theme park that featured a one-guest-at-a-time policy. An individual would be presented with a variety of environments in which he could carry out his 'Omega Man' fantasies. The catch is that the park is associated with a reality TV show which broadcasts the visitor's exploits. Knowing he is 'performing' changes his intentions, and the show becomes a platform for making political statements and the display of various mythologies. The park is sponsored by Mountebank Chemical, which has devised a drug that creates the sensation of having a lot of money.

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