Early in 2008, BPL hatched a scheme to fund a trip to China and at the same time to outsource its entire labor pool. Reasoning that all ‘real’ companies are doing it, BPL became involved in the idea of producing cheap baubles. Not being able to afford tooutsource even its single employee, BPL decided to send him to China, where he would complete an entire production run, and then return with the merchandise, to be distributed as real Chinese-made-by- American-company stuff. This plan’s object had the extra advantage of being both American made and also made in China at the same time, perhaps doubling
its legitimacy, if not its value. A suite of watercolor paintings would be hand made (the cheapest way of course), using a new BPL generated watercolor box, or Art Application System. These would be sold sight unseen before the trip to a public hungry for anything Chinese. From the original Memo of 20 February, 2008: “It has come to the attention of the Executive office that
a BPL employee’s girlfriend has been given the opportunity to visit China for six (6) weeks. Certainly, this turn of events represents some kind of achievement on her part, some accolade or accomplishment worthy of applause.
But we are not concerned with that happy circumstance at this juncture. What we at BPL are interested in is the fact that this could be an opportunity to finally have a BPL product manufactured in China. This would represent yet another notch in our corporate belt, legitimacy-wise. And you,
fair member of the consuming public, can help....It is hardly necessary to emphasize the importance for BPL to have a global presence. As the smallest and least well equipped of all known aerospace manufacturing companies, we have to be innovative when it comes to production. For instance, we can think
of no other company that doesn’t even pay its employees as a matter of policy. So for us to have a facility in China, spewing out our products at unheard of rates and for unheard of rates, albeit manifested as just one person doodling on a kind of vacation, is a chance of a lifetime.”
You may download the original fundraising memo
You may download the PDF version of the entire report
Also You can download the BPL Procedures document associated with the manufacture of the AAS
These items are available through the BPL Purchasing Department.
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